So this is it, my first blog post. It really shouldn’t feel that special, but it does. Not in a first love kind of special, of course, or even like a first taste of chocolate ice cream special. A first job interview probably comes closest to how I feel writing this: body trembling with adrenaline, and that notorious little voice inside my head repeating endlessly “don’t mess it up, Kat!”.
I have fought hard for this blog. Mostly, against myself. I have yet to meet someone more critical about myself than me, which is likely my number one challenge in life. Putting myself out there for the world to see (=scrutinize) is pure madness, according to that same little voice. Writing a personal blog also seems self-indulgent, tacitly exhibitionist even. Yet these hurdles are nothing compared to the ultimate side-effect of parenthood nobody warned me of before heading down the family path: sleep deprived exhaustion. If you ask Papa, he would confirm that I have been talking about starting this blog for over a year. Yes, it really took me this long to muster up the energy for a few configuration clicks. That’s about as long as I’ve been a mom – coincidence? Think again. Luckily blog set-up has now been achieved. Let’s just hope that posting is more tempting than sleep, at least every few days 😉 . But I digress…
My first blog post, published on the first of July 2016. Bubsi is my first child, my first pregnancy, my first birth, my first parenthood adventure. As Happy Bubsi is launched, my little girl’s first year of life has passed, and so many of her firsts have already happened. She can long turn, sit, crawl, walk, run, and climb. Her first tooth appeared 9 months ago and we even fail remember the first time she tasted solids (it was zucchini and banana!). First words have been spoken, first flights have been taken, and potty training has begun. Perhaps I will write flashbacks to some of these firsts over time. Perhaps not. Write, I have promised my always-tired-mom-self though, I will.