
Romania is hot. Very hot compared to our London home. We hit 30 degrees and above on a daily basis. How do we survive in such heat?

The heat is on

Flying to Romania I knew it would be hot. In theory. I had been warned by my Romanian friends living in Northern Europe that July is the worst time of year to visit if you like moderate temperatures. Yet, July it had to be.

Papa’s parents are posted on a diplomatic mission abroad and can only return to Romania for a month a year, in summer. We coordinated with this and planned our overdue wedding celebration for July in Bucharest. So there was no way to avoid the heat.

Hot days, hot nights

When we arrived at Bucharest Otopeni airport at midday last week, reality hit. Hot means hot. And hot in a mostly concrete capital city feels even hotter. The first few days Bubsi was constantly sweating, though she was only dressed in light summer dresses. It got better as her body adjusted to the new temperatures.

At night it is as hot as a London summer day. The overnight low is around 20 degrees Celsius. Add to that a house that has been heated up by the sun all day long without air conditioning. We sleep with Sunrise wide open for some wind, and Bubsi mostly sleeps naked. She also nurses tons a night.

Bubsi nursing in bed

Bubsi nursing in bed and cuddling


We sweat a lot. Drinking more is easy for me, but Bubsi has reached an age where playing with water is so much more exciting than drinking it. Nursing is cool, but only when Bubsi remembers. After all, there are so many new things to explore in the big Romanian house. With a real staircase to climb. And a slide in the garden 🙂

Bubsi’s pee has turned to dark yellow, though she behaves fine during the day. We try to make her drink what we can. And next week’s temperature is only 29 degrees, so nothing to worry about.

Bubsi's summer dress and hat

Bubsi’s summer dress and hat

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