As you are now well aware, we are moving. Most of our belongings are already in Germany since last week. But this week, we are really saying farewell to our London home.
Goodbye, my brief home
My time in London was short. Shorter than any other place I have called my home before. Bubsi and I have lived here for 11 months, not even a year. We moved over last September, when Bubsi was nine months old. And probably, Gas our landlord not cancelled out renewal, we would have stayed.
Life happens, though. Even Brexit happened, after all! Our flat will pass to new owners, and Bubsi’s favorite place here, the balcony, will soon be their favorite place. Bubsi will have two balconies in the new flat. So I dare say she will get over it. Thus, we say goodbye to London. And I want to say it in person.
Thank you
Thank you, London, for being a welcoming host. We especially enjoyed your many parks and playgrounds. Walking down the river Lea with its swans and “duckies” was Bubsi’s favorite past time. Right next to singing “row your boat” at the Fabulous playgroup across the street.
We also were glad to taste the large variety of ethnic foods your restaurants offer. As foodies, we went out a lot. London restaurants are also amazingly child friendly. Relative to my experiences with the majority of German restaurants, at any rate.
Not everything was rosy
There were some things we did not enjoy so much. Mostly your exorbitant rent and house buying prices, a main factor leading to our move. You could also do with less garbage on your streets, London. And less drugs.
Overall though we cannot complain. Thank you, London and all the lovely people we met while being your guest. Who knows- we might just see each other again in a few years!
*PS. Sorry everyone. I know I was absent for a while. Unannounced, too. Life Hot the best of me in the end. But Happy Bubsi is back to business now. Promised!