
This weekend we are visiting Aunt H. She currently lives at my parents house, Grandma D and Grandpa K, but they are gone on a camping trip with the dogs L and J. We are sleeping in their bedroom and enjoyed the great weather im Norderney, which is not that common here this time of year.

Aunt H is Bubsi’s favorite

As I surely shared before, Aunt H is Bubsi’s favorite person by far. The love is so strong she even lets us brush her teeth without complaint – provided H holds her hand. H also has to help with every potty time or food time or reading. It’s almost like a mini-vacation from mothering for me. Only that H works, and so is gone most of the day.

Norderney, my home

Norderney is the place where I grew up. My mom moved here with me over twenty years ago. It’s a great place to raise kids, being an island where the crime rate is negligible and there are tons of opportunities for free play. At the beach, for example. Or in the “forests”. Not to mention all the swimming pools.

Once kids can swim, the island is a paradise. The only real drawback is it’s somewhat remote location. The next bigger city is an hour by ferry plus approximately 1.5 hours driving. Leaving home was always a proper trip for me and my sister. I’m glad to live in a more connected place these days, while always having a place to stay when coming to Norderney.

At Norderney beach

At Norderney beach

Bubsi loves the sand

Now that Bubsi can walk and explore by herself, Norderney is the perfect place for a visit. Bubsi spends hours experimenting in the sand with her fork and shovel. She sifts and builds sand cakes, or simply throws the sand up and watches it fall. The word sand has eclipsed that of park (Bubsi’s equivalent for playground).

We do so much more than just play in the sand, however. Bubsi collects sea shells with Papa’s help. Aunt H takes her to the water’s edge so that the feet can dip in the sea. If it were summer, we would definitely go for a swim in the ocean, too, but it is a little too windy and chilly for that. My parent’s house even has a garden to play or harvest potatoes in.

Our beach tent and toys

Our beach tent and toys

Next time we return it will probably be Christmas. Papa leaves tonight already, but Bubsi and I will stay another two or three days to finish the warm season off with a bang!

Bubsi's sea shell collection

Bubsi’s sea shell collection

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