Bubsi is eating more and more real food. And she is getting much more vocal about her favorites, too. Blueberry waffles are the latest trend.
Baby-led weaning
We have done baby-led weaning since Bubsi was about six months old. At that time, she showed interest in food and exhibited all other common signs of readiness to move beyond milk. After a rough start to breastfeeding, it was finally going well and I didn’t want to push weaning. Thus, baby-led weaning seemed like the ideal approach to take, considering Bubsi loved nursing. It means that the baby decides whether to consume any food you offer or not. The baby also chooses how much of the food she eats. So far, it has worked marvellously for us.
Some days Bubsi eats a lot (there was even an incident where two adult-size portions of risotto disappeared!). Other days Bubsi barely munches half a cherry tomato, plus possibly two baby spoons of yoghurt. I am never concerned, however, as nursing on demand ensures she gets what she needs on any non-food day.
Blueberry waffles and other food hypes
Aside from severe fluctuations in the quantity of food consumed per day, Bubsi also goes through phases of distinct food preferences. On Norderney last week, when we visited Aunt H, Bubsi fell in love with the local waffle restaurant. Or more precisely, with their blueberry and whipped cream waffles. Which are really yummy, admittedly. Still, I wouldn’t have taken my love for them quite as far as Bubsi did: each morning, her first words would be ‘blueberry waffle eat’. Tuesday morning I could only get her to leave the house by promising the coveted waffles. After four waffle days even the waiter new us and what we would order. True food love, clearly.
Bubsi’s excitement over blueberry waffles is not her only food craze, of course. Recently, grapes are consumed in impressive amounts. Cucumbers, eggs, and pears are also winners. Today, at a friend’s wedding party, Bubsi discovered that chocolate with more than 80% cocoa is a joy (much to my dismay!). Aubergine and zucchini risotto is an all-time favorite that has been on the “will always eat lots of it”-list. Same with self-made guacamole (use limes, not lemons!).
Nursing, hickies, and nursing again
Next to her food hypes Bubsi nurses a lot, still. Occasionally as frequently as twice an hour, though with longer breaks becoming more and more usual. By longer break, I mean roughly three hours or so. Earlier yesterday Bubsi was annoyed with my boobs not being that quickly and easily accessible for nursing. Too impatient to wait, she sucked on the skin next to the nipple instead. Now I sport a beautiful purple hickie. Wait, didn’t I just write about parental pain? Well, this is a new kind I just discovered 😉