Sand is so common to me. I grew up on an island after all, and there was always plenty of it around. So I didn’t give sand much of a thought, unless it was stuck in my shoes. Or all over my floor or bed sheets just because I visited home for a week. Until Bubsi developed this obsession with sand, that is. To her, sand is truly like magic.
Magic properties of sand
Watching her discover sand, I get it. I see why it must appear like magic to her. Sand is sometimes soft and dry, sometimes hard and wet. In some sandpits the sand is rather pebbly, on others it resembles powdered sugar. Bubsi can form it, sieve it, watch it fall, shovel it or hide things with it. Or simply put it from one bucket to another and back, on repeat. Some day, Bubsi will build forts and castles out of sand.
Sand in the city
Living in a city, sand is less abundant for Bubsi than it was for me during my childhood. I notice how “dirty” sand on city playgrounds is, relative to the island. Although we really cannot complain too much. Nearly every playground around has an area where kids can play with sand here. From what I’ve seen in London, it doesn’t seem to be a common feature there. So I am glad we have sand at all, as Bubsi really enjoys it. That is an understatement, it is currently her second request after breakfast each day.
Hours and hours of sand play
If Bubsi didn’t need to nap, pee,or eat, I am confident she would spend all day playing in the sand. It is lovely, as I can read a book whenever she is engrossed. Of course, that is five minutes at a time, as Mama has to ‘help make sand cake’ but still. In several chunks I can manage a chapter or two a day. For an avid reader like me a nice change from full on toddler-tainer.
If only it wasn’t October. The temperatures have dropped significantly and sitting for hours on cold ground is somewhat less pleasurable than our long sand days of summer past…. How do you enjoy the benefits of sand play in the cold season?