The main reason why we went to Norderney last weekend deserves a post of its own. One of our two family dogs (my parents’ to be precise) was diagnosed with cancer two weeks back. Poor little J suffers from cancer of the spleen. And this past Monday his surgery was scheduled.
The younger dog, first to go?
We always expected L to die first. L is the older dog by three years. He also is of the breed that has been more thoroughly overbred and thus is more prone to sickness. Statistically, L’s life expectancy is lower than J’s by about four years. When J began collapsing, we didn’t suspect anything serious. It came as a shock when the vet announced it was cancer, and it would kill him soon if nothing was done. Quite possibly even if we chose to intervene.
Nobody was more affected than Bubsi’s aunt H. She and J share a special bond, as H chose him nine years ago and even paid for him. Her love for dogs is so strong she is currently enrolled in a dog psychology degree and considers becoming a dog trainer. Seeing J suffer hurts her so much. Bubsi loves J more than L, too. But that is probably due to the fact that J let’s her touch him. J is sweet like that.
Cancer and goodbyes
The vet’s prognosis was that J would die for sure without surgery, and likely soon. With surgery, his survival chances were fifty/fifty. However, as the J has cancer of the spleen, surviving surgery would be the most difficult part. Losing a spleen is not an issue for dogs, they do not even require medication afterwards. My parents decided for and scheduled the surgery for this past Monday – some odds are better than certain death.
Traveling to Norderney then was saying goodbye. Just in case J would not make it. His chances were down to a toss of a coin after all. Bubsi of course did not understand what the fuss was about. She loved taking J for a walk nevertheless.
Cancer be gone
On Monday, J returned home from surgery very weak. The tumor and spleen together had been so big they weighed a tenth of him. Initially we thought all would be well, but then J collapsed after a few houra home. He refused to eat or drink and his gums were so pale. Rushing him back to the vet may have saved his life. J had to stay overnight, with dopamine in his blood. A kind other dog even gave him blood for a tranfusion. That did it – his cardiovascular system finally stabilized.
Now, the cancer is gone. J is back home with my parents. He is still very weak but his prognosis is good. We are back home too. Fingers crossed for J’s complete recovery. Did you ever experience something like this?