Bremen, our new home

I cannot believe I didn’t write about our new home city yet. After all, it has been nearly two months that we moved here from London. Since end of August, we call the hanseatic city of Bremen, Germany, our home.

Bremen, an old friend

It is not our first encounter with Bremen. In fact, a lot of things that matter to our family and without which we wouldn’t exist happened here. In Bremen, Papa and I met for the first time. We were at college together. After my Master’s abroad I returned to Bremen to work. Papa joined me to live here for about half a year after we started dating and before work called him to London. Bubsi was born in Bremen. So many memories in this city. And now we’re back and just about settled in. Did you miss us too, Bremen?

Bremen Main Station

Bremen Main Station

Why Bremen?

Papa’s company gave us freedom of choice. We could move anywhere in Germany as long as his internet conncection was fast and stable. Why did we choose to return to Bremen?

For one, we knew the city and liked it. It has everything we need: a good infrastructure, nice parks and playgrounds, the river Weser. Its population is tolerant and open (welcoming is too strong a word for most of Northern Germany, but friendly to be sure). Most inhabitants understand English. There are direct flights to London from the city airport daily, so Papa can fly to the office if needed. And also, a good value-price ratio.

Social life was another consideration. My family lives about three hours away (far enough to not have to see them all the time, close enough to be able to visit whenever we want). That’s a plus on London, where seeing family always required catching a flight. Due to us having lived in Bremen before, we also still have friends in the city. Well I do, at least. Two of them even have toddlers themselves, so playmates for Bubsi are part of the deal, too.

The Wallanlagen are right next to our flat

The Wallanlagen are right next to our flat

Bremen forever?

While we like living in Bremen, we might not stay here forever and always. It very much depends on two things. First, Papa’s job situation. His current company is fantastic. If anything should ever come between them though, Bremen does not offer any worthwhile alternatives in his line of work. Second, school. The one thing that irks me about Germany is the law that children have to attend school. Homeschooling is not allowed. I do not know whether I really want to homeschool or not, but I would like it to be an option at least. Time will tell, but for now we like it here!

Bubsi's Bremen favorite: the tram

Bubsi’s Bremen favorite: the tram

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