Fall-ing into winter

Summer rushed us by as we were so busy. September then still felt like summer, with its 20-plus degrees and beach time. And then, just as we were adjusting to fall, winter happened.

Fall is cancelled this year

I am not kidding. There simply is no fall on the agenda in 2016, heaven says. My mom told me two weeks ago that the hundred year calendar predicts a very cold winter for 2016/2017. I laughed it off then, thinking that more than five days of snow might be nice. Possibly even for Christmas. What happened next I did not expect.

Within two weeks we went from 15 degrees to minus 5. The first snow already fell last week. We’ve been hovering around zero since then and well, what can I say. It’s friggin’ cold! November hasn’t been like this in years. I cannot even recall the last time we had snow before mid-December.

Practical pitfalls of winter

Of course, the sudden influx of winter has caused some issues. To start with, we hadn’t yet bought any winter shoes for Bubsi. By the time I got around to takong her to the store, she’d been walking in her sneakers through sludge and cold. Bad mom me. Now I am facing the consequences: the little one is on her next cold.

Well, actually, she might have contracted the viruses from anywhere and it might be entirely unrelated to the inadequate footwear. After all, the sudden change in weather conditions resulted in half the population being sick. Or so it seems. This particular cold is really unpleasant though, as Bubsi fevered the first two days and woke every 30 minutes at night thanks to a stuffed nose. No, saline drops do not help. Go, mom life! If this is how the season starts, how will it end?

The trees are trying to catch up with winter

The trees are trying to catch up with winter

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