Prenatal appointments

Health care in Germany is quite well organized and readily available. With prenatal appointments they really do not mess around. Actually, I feel like there are way too many of them for low risk pregnancies such as mine. Especially now that I am approaching the due date, I feel like I am constantly making arrangements with Papa’s work schedule for Bubsi’s care while I see the gynecologist.

Prenatal care regulations

In my area of Germany, pregnant women usually see their gynecologist (yes, a specialist and not a GP) every four weeks during the first two trimesters. Now that I am in third trimester, I am due for a visit every two weeks. I find that is a lot, especially since they do an ultrasound every single time, or take my blood most times for tests or at least the iron content of my blood. The urine is checked too, and now since week 29 they write a CTG at each appointment as well. Of course, between each of these steps one actually has to wait. So appointments drag out infinitely, or that is what is feels like.

Midwife care

Luckily, one can choose to split one’s prenatal care between the gynecologist and midwives. Midwife care used to be well-established, but the health regulations have made it more and more difficult for midwives to earn a decent living in recent times. Their liability insurance has skyrocketed, and the health system earns more money with doctor-led pregnancies than midwife-led ones. So midwives are subjected to more and more tedious and unnecessary regulations. Fingers crossed this trend reverses.

At any rate, I am glad to be in the care of a set of highly qualified midwives, one of which has already accompanied my pregnancy with Bubsi. Thanks to them, I only need to visit the doctor every second time, and can enjoy relaxed and low-key prenatal appointments with them in between. I appreciate that my midwives do not pathologize pregnancy, that pregnancy is a normal state to them. There is usually no waiting time at their practice, and lots of books and toys are provided in case Bubsi needs to come along. My midwifery team is special in the sense that their practice is a birth house as well, so if there are no complications with my pregnancy I am allowed to give birth there. Which I did with Bubsi and it was great.

CTG at prenatal appointments

Back to prenatal appointments themselves though. Until trimester three I quite enjoyed them. But their increased frequency now is driving me a little nuts. Worse, Bubsi can no longer tag along like she used to because they routinely hook me up to the CTG machine now. It measures the heart rate of the baby and the contractions of the womb, which is fine. Only that I am not allowed to move for a minimum of 30 minutes. And it is 30 minutes if all goes well – if the baby turns away in the belly and the machine’s sensors fail to pick up its heartbeat, the measurement time gets upped.

Have you tried to entertain a toddler in a room where he or she is not permitted to touch things without moving yourself for an hour? No? Good for you, cause it is a pain. So Bubsi needs to stay with Papa for appointments now. If only doctor’s offices were open when work hours are over… I hope the baby comes early, too. Because after the due date has passed, one needs to have a CTG every two days. Fun times!

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