This week it hit me. I know it is not possible to be healthy always and forever. Still I was proud of being infection free for nearly a year. Now however I am targeted by bacteria from all sides.
The invincibility trap
I will readily admit that I fell for the invincibility trap once again. Bubsi got sick last week and I was convinced I woud be spared because hey, my immune system rocks! And I was spared. At least of Bubsi’s cold. Having a simple cold would be much better than the bacteria who caught me this week.
It started over night. On Tuesday I woke with this odd feeling around my tooth. A look in the bathroom mirror confirmed it: the flesh around my incisor was inflamed. While I had never had this before, I knew my mom has been battling severe gingivitis for decades. I called her and she urged me to see a dentist as soon as possible. Even though it was just one tooth and didn’t even hurt.
At the dentist Bubsi and I had to wait for nearly two hours as it was an emergency appointment. Bubsi held up marvellously, even though it was her nap time and she had to forgo sleep. Upon seeing me, the dentist confirmed that it was gingivitis but he was confused at the cause… Sadly, it appears that it might be genetic and my future will be full of inflamed gums. Great, huh?
Ouch, my ears
A day after the dentist the ear troubles started. My left ear went a little deaf and I experienced some yellow mucus. Just like the inflamed gums, it didn’t really hurt. But as it was not letting up I decided to see the doctor on Friday to avoid nasty weekend surprises. And guess what, it is a proper ear and nose infection. With medication.
Good that I went to see both the dentist and the doc. But crap, what’s wrong with my immune system? I hope this is not just the beginning – winter is coming.