Last fall I mentioned that Bubsi was nearly fully potty trained. That was true, but we were still scared of accidents whenever we ventured outside the house for longer periods of time. So we made her wear our lovely cloth diapers just as a safety precaution when out and during nap.
The naptime exception
At the beginning of this year we could safely say that but for one or two accidents, Bubsi could go safety diaper free and night and when out and about. For some odd reason that I didn’t quite understand, however, she needed a diaper for naptime still. Most of her naps her diapers were wet. It made no sense to me, as she could go twelve hours dry at night but 45 minute naps would mean wet diapers. Naptime sleep really must be different from night sleep, I suppose.
The naptime diaper was also a pain for washing. There were never enough used diapers for a full load and toddler pee stinks so quickly. Annoying! But then, last week, Bubsi suddenly refused to put on her nap time diapers. I was freaked out cause I foresaw an accident that would require crazy cleaning. In fact though, all remained dry. Three days in a row. And I relaxed, offered, but accepted. Rejoiced would be better, I guess! Until…
The stroller mess
…day four. Bubsi woke up crying from her nap and what should I say: she had peed herself. Not just that though. There had been so much pee it soaked through her lamb fur (that kept her warm in the stroller where she naps during the cold season). The pee had then soaked the stroller cover and dripped down into the basket. In the basket we had a hot water bottle covered by a plush animal – drenched, of course. Finally, there was some more slowly forming a puddle on the balcony.
In short, it was a proper mess. The cleanup took ages, involved three wash cycles and a manual clean of the stroller frame. Luckily, Bubsi helped with that. One time fail or back to naptime nappies? What would you do?