What to Expect

“Music, Food, and Entertainment!”, you shout. Wait – what? Sorry, but this isn’t your weekend wedding party, this is Happy Bubsi. Short of stating the obvious, I’m clearly not writing the first lifestyle and parenting blog out there. So what can you expect from this blog?

The Bad Guy

Let me get the bad guy out of the way first. As we all know, nothing is as fiercely discussed as personal lifestyle and parenting choices – and not always nicely. I take no issue with lively debate, but I am not a fan of shaming, blaming, or any related behavior. I am also not that great with non-constructive criticism (or criticism in general, but I am working on that 😉 ). Therefore, please know that any comments I deem inappropriate or hurtful will be removed.

The Rules of the Game

Phew – bad guy done with, on to the rules of the game. In good weeks, I might post daily and respond to comments, too! In bad weeks, I might post once. In really bad weeks, possibly not at all. But in general, new content should be available two to three times a week. Feel free to add Happy Bubsi to your RSS feed to never miss a new post. Whether or not I have time to respond to your comments, I’ll be glad to read them and any discussions that might ensue!

You may have noticed that there are no pictures of Bubsi, Papa, or myself that show us in profile. This is intentional. If you know us already, then the posts will give away our identity anyways. More likely than not, however, you do not know us. We would prefer to maintain a certain amount of privacy, especially as we know of cases where kids of blogger families have been stalked. It may not be preventable, but I will do what I can to keep Bubsi safe, naturally. Also, when it comes to pictures please excuse my poor skills. I am not a photographer by any means, and usually have to catch a shot while trying to prevent Bubsi from stealing my phone 😉

The Content

I am a quite straightforward person. Some people, especially my dear British friends, might find it inappropriate that I tend to say what I really think. This means not just sharing the happy moments and positive thoughts, but especially also the negative aspects of my life. In a way, Happy Bubsi is my psychologist (i.e. a place where I can let off steam). Besides, I feel like the many parenting blogs have a habit of over-reporting the sunshiny bits of their lives, leaving out everyday hardships. Having said that, the blog will feature happy and fun stories just as frequently as my obstacles in life, so do not worry! Mostly, I will write about whatever inspires me on the given day.

In the event that a sponsor should commission a post, I will declare this post as advertisement from the beginning. If I mention specific products at any other time it is because I simply like them, have them, or use them – and not because I wish to sell them!

Please contact me…

… using the email function at the top of the page if you have any further questions or concerns (and check the About/Privacy Disclosure pages for more information). I’ll be glad to hear from you.